Sports 4 The Blind

Rule 3

Section 1:


Article 1...

     Unlimited substitution is permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in RULE 3. After the head umpire has received the official lineup card prior to the start of the game, the pitcher shall pitch to the first batter until the batter has been put out, strikes out, or scores a run (unless the pitcher is removed due to injury or ejection). In any other case, a substitute may replace a player of his team when the ball is dead and time out has been called or a half inning has been completed. The substitute or his coach or captain shall report to the head umpire prior to the next pitch by stating the substitute’s name, shirt number, the name of the player he is replacing in the batting order, and the position he will play in the field. A projected substitution shall not be reported to the head umpire prior to the actual change. If a player fails to report and enters the game, the player he replaced is considered to have remained in the game. Any play in which the illegal substitute earned a run on offense or made a put out on defense for his team shall have the play ruling reversed. The illegal substitute may also be removed from the game for six outs or until the end of the game, whichever comes first. The player he replaced will return to the game, unless the replaced player left the game because of injury. If the replaced player cannot return to the game, some other eligible player must replace him. If there are no more eligible replacements the team must play the game one player short, taking an automatic out whenever that spot in the batting order comes up, until a replacement becomes eligible or the game ends, whichever occurs first. SIX OUT PENALTY REMOVAL FOR ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION APPLIES UNDER REGULAR OR TWELVE-RUN RULE. If enforcement of this article results in the affected team having less than five players to continue the game, the game shall be forfeited to the other team. [Rule 4, Sect. 4, Art.1-f,g]


     The Head Umpire will ignore Illegal Substitutions unless the opposing team through appeal as outlined in Rule 2, Sect. 1, and Art calls his attention to it. 3. The six out penalty for Illegal substitution will begin at the time the Illegal Substitution is reported to the umpire. Enforcement of the penalty for Illegal Substitution will not result in a team replaying any part of any previous inning, even if it causes more or less than three outs to be recorded in that previous inning. Since the replaced player is considered to have remained in the game, the result of any times at bat by the Illegal substitute will be recorded on the replaced player’s record. [Rule 2, Section 17, Artcle 2-b]

Article 2...

     If a pitcher is replaced while his team is at bat, the replacement pitcher shall pitch to the batter then at bat until such batter has been retired or has scored a run.

Article 3...

     Once a player is removed due to injury, that player cannot return for the remainder of the game unless approved by the head umpire, or the tournament committee if in tournament play. Any player who is removed from a game due to a serious head injury or suspected broken bones or dislocations may not return without a signed release from a licensed physician permitting that player to participate in the remainder of the game or tournament.

Article 4...

     Once a player other than the pitcher or catcher has been replaced by a substitute, the player who has been taken out of the game must remain out of the game for the completion of six outs from the time of the substitution, or to the end of the game, whichever comes first; except as provided for in Article 1, or Article 6. If a substitution occurs prior to institution of the Twelve Run Rule, or after the Twelve Run Rule has been revoked, the players involved shall remain subject to this rule, EVEN IF THE TWELVE-RUN RULE IS INVOKED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SUBSTITUTION. The rule, which applies, is the rule in effect at the time the substitution is reported to the head umpire. (For substitution during the Twelve Run Rule, see Article 6.)

Article 5...

     TWELVE RUN RULE: If a team establishes a lead of twelve or more runs at the end of any full inning, the head umpire will inform both teams that the Twelve Run Rule is in effect. At this time, the trailing team will become the batting team and will remain at bat until they tie the score, take the lead or use all of their remaining outs for the game. The outs remaining will be recorded in units of three (1⁄2 innings). If the trailing team should tie the score or take the lead, play will continue to the nearest full unit of three outs when the opposing team will come to bat and complete their half of each inning played until both teams have had an equal number of at bats; at this time the head umpire will check with the official score keeper to determine if the Twelve Run Rule should be revoked or continued in effect. If a team comes to bat under the Twelve Run Rule and fails to tie the score or take the lead after using all of their remaining outs for the game, the game ends.

Article 6...

     SUBSTITUTION UNDER THE TWELVE RUN RULE differs from substitution under the normal rule. When a substitution occurs under the Twelve Run Rule, the players involved must remain in / out of the game while three outs are recorded from the time of the substitution; or, until the end of the game, whichever comes first. If the Twelve Run Rule is revoked immediately after the substitution, the players involved will remain subject to this rule since it was the rule in effect at the time of the substitution.

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