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Although scoring the game seems complicated, it is quite easy to learn once you become familiar with the symbols utilized and the symbols associated with multiple scoring.
A bowling game or line consists of ten frames of rolling one or two balls in each frame to knock down all ten pins. The game score is kept progressively by adding each frame to the previous frame. The score is the number recorded in the tenth frame, and is the total number of pins knocked down in all ten frames.
A bowling score sheet has markings across the sheet for each person and down the sheet for each line or person bowling. Each game is marked with the correct number of frames, with two boxes in each frame to record the happenings within that frame. You must record the results of each ball rolled within these boxes.
The easiest method of learning to score is to go through a sample game, using all the symbols and giving the rules for each symbol as we come to use it A sample game might be
A strike is scored when the bowler knocks down all ten pins with the FIRST ball in any frame. It is indicated by marking an "X" in the first little box in the frame. When a strike is scored, the bowler is automatically credited with 10 pins for the ten that were just knocked down and given the bonus of crediting the number of pins scored on the next two balls to the ten pins scored on the strike. This number (10 plus total of 2 balls) will be written in the first frame after the next two balls are rolled. It can be seen that scoring cannot be completed on the first frame strike until at least completion of the second frame and possibly not until after the first ball in the third frame.
A spare is recorded when all ten pins are knocked down with the two balls in a frame. A spare is indicated by recording the number of pins knocked down with the first ball in the first box in the frame, and the symbol "/"; in the second box. A SPARE counts as the ten (10) pins knocked down, PLUS the bonus of the number of pins knocked down on the next ball the bowler rolls.
Again, scoring in a frame with a SPARE cannot be completed until the bowler rolls in the next frame.
Now that the individual has rolled two balls after scoring the strike in the first frame, we can complete scoring in the first frame. The score recorded would be The ten (10) knocked down in the first frame, PLUS the ten (10) knocked down with the two balls in the second, or twenty (20). This number is recorded in the space below the two boxes in the first frame.
A SPLIT is recorded when the bowler fails to score ten pins on the first ball, and two or more pins remain standing with pins missing in between and the headpin down. EXAMPLES: 5 7 pins 3 10 pins and 4 5 pins.
A split is indicated by drawing a circle around the number placed in the first box in the frame indicating the number of pins knocked down on the first ball. If the split is converted and the bowler knocks down all ten pins in the frame, a spare is indicated. If the split is not converted, mark in the number of pins knocked down on the second ball in the remaining box in the frame. Now that we have completed the frame, and the bowler did not convert the split, we can go back and score the second frame.
The bowler is awarded the ten pins for those scored in the second, plus the eight pins knocked down on the first ball in frame three, or a total of 18 pins. This number is added to the 20 recorded in frame one, so the bowler has 38 pins through the second frame.
When an individual does not score a strike or spare in a frame, the total number of pins knocked down in the frame is simply added to the preceeding frame. In this case, we had 38 in the second frame, so we take the 9 pin total knocked down in the third frame and add to the 38, making a total of 47 pins scored through the third frame.
A gutter ball is indicated whenever ball falls in the channel/gutter. No pins can be scored if the ball should accidentally jump out of the gutter. indicate the gutter ball by making a "-"in the small box of the frame that it occurred. Should the gutter occur after a foul it still counts as a ball rolled.
If it happens on the first ball, the bowler is entitled to ONE (1) more ball in which to score in the frame. If it happens on the second ball, the bowler is credited with ONLY THOSE PINS KNOCKED DOWN ON THE FIRST BALL ROLLED IN THE FRAME. THEY ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANOTHER BALL.
Let's suppose that our bowler rolled the first ball in the gutter and knocked down 9 pins on the second ball. Since the individual did not score a strike or spare, we again would simply add the 9 to the previous total of 47 and record 56 in the fourth frame as the game total.
A foul is recorded when any part of the bowler's body goes beyond and touches the lane, building or equipment at some point beyond the foul line during or after the delivery of the ball.
A foul counts as a ball rolled in the game, but no pins can be credited. A foul is indicated by placing a "F" in the box in the frame in which it occurred. When the foul happens on the first ball in a frame, the bowler is again allowed one (1) more ball in the frame to score pins. The entire set-up or all 10 pins are reset and the bowler then bowls their second ball. The individual is NOT credited with any pins for the first ball even though some or all of them may have been knocked over When the foul occurs on the second ball in a frame, the bowler is credited with only those pins knocked down with the first ball in the frame. Suppose our phantom bowler scored 9 pins on the first ball, but fouled. All ten pins would be reset and the "F" would be recorded in the first box in the frame.
Our bowler, now scores 7 pins with the second ball in the frame. The number 7 would be written in the second box of the frame. Add this total to the previous frame, making a total of 63 in the fifth frame.
An error, miss or blow is the terminology used to indicate that the bowler did not knock down all ten pins in a frame and with the pins knocked down on each ball, which is recorded in the appropriate block in the frame.
If no pins are hit and the ball does not go in the gutter, we indicate this by the symbol "-" in the second box. Our bowler scored six pins on the first ball and two on the second, so again simply add to frame five and now record 71 in the sixth frame.
The remaining frames will be devoted to showing the combinations of strikes and spares and the increase in scores from multiple strikes.
These frames will illustrate the second combination of an automatic score of 20 in the bonus frame. This is a spare and strike combination. In seven we scored 8 pins on the first ball and the spare with the second. In frame eight, a strike was scored. This again results in the 20 scored and added to the score recorded in frame six, or 91 in the seventh frame. We must wait for further scoring until more competition has been completed before scoring in the eighth frame.
We have recorded another strike for the bowler in frame nine.
This results in two strikes in a row. The terminology for this feat is "DOUBLE". When this occurs, we naturally cannot score in the ninth at this point, but neither can we score in the eighth frame, as the bowler has only rolled one ball following the strike. We must wait until the individual rolls in the tenth frame before scoring in the eighth frame.
To complete the game and scoring, we will use three illustrations to give the variations that can occur.
FIRST, let us assume that the bowler scored a strike in the tenth frame. This strike is the tenth frame of the game. This strike now allows us to score on the strike recorded in the eighth frame as two balls have been rolled following the strike. We would combine the totals of 10 for the eighth, 10 for the 9th frame strike and 10 for the 10th frame strike or 30. This would be added to the 91 recorded for the 7th frame and give the bowler a total of 121 in the 8th frame At this point, we still cannot complete scoring in the 9th frame as the bowler has only rolled one ball following this strike. The game cannot be left in this fashion, as each game must be completed before beginning the next and scoring cannot be carried over to the new game. The bowler must now roll the bonus balls allowed by the strike scored in the 10th frame. Our bowler again scores a strike on his firsts bonus ball. This will allow completion of the 9th frame as 2 balls have been rolled. We again have 3 strikes in a row (TERMINOLOGY: TURKEY) and a score of 30 for the 9th frame. This is added to the 121 in the 8th frame and gives a score of 151 in the ninth.
We still cannot complete the scoring, as only 1 ball has been rolled following the strike in the 10th frame.
The bowler again scores a strike on his second bonus ball. This is of called"STRIKING OUT" and result's in another 30 for the 10th frame. Added to the 151 in the 9th, gives a total score of 181 for the game.
The second strike on the bonus ends the game and the bowler is finished. They are only allowed to roll the number of balls necessary to complete the scoring action in the tenth frame and finish the game. THEY DO NOT CONTINUE BOWLING.
In our second illustration, the bowler scores 9 pins on the 1st ball in the 10th frame. This gives 29 on the 8th frame strike, or a score of 120 in the 8th frame.
Our bowler makes the spare in the 10th frame. This at c completion of scoring in the 9th frame as two balls have now been rolled following this strike. The 10 in the 9th + the 10 scored in the 10th give 20 to add to the 120 recorded in frame 8.
We again have a bonus situation, but this time only one (1) ball is left for the spare. Our kegler scores 9 on their bonus ball. This is added to the 10 for the frame for a total of 19 to add to the 140 in the 9th frame, and gives a total score of 159 for the game. The bowler DOES NOT ROLL TO MAKE THE SPARE. ALL 10 PINS ARE RESPOTTED AND THE NEXT BOWLER ROLLS, OR THE BOWLER BEGINS A NEW GAME.
Our last example involves a no bonus situation. The bowler scores a 9 on the first ball as above. Scoring is the same as before and the bowler has 120 in the 8th frame. The standing pin is now missed for an error in the 10th frame. We now add the 19 (10 for 9th 9 for 10th) to the 120 in the 8th frame and have 139 in the 9th frame. Since no bonus rolls are required, we add the 9 for the 10th frame to the 139 and have 148 as a total game score for our bowler.
If possible, the visually handicapped bowler should be instructed on keeping score, utilizing a braille slate or some other device if possible. The instructor may have to draw the symbols for the individual initially, and make a sample game sheet for the student to use. In the absence of a braille slate or other means of marking, the instructor should assist the bowler in learning the symbols and bonus situations, and instruct them to keep a mental account of their score, and later compare with the written version.
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